Long Term Partnerships

 Last year, more than 700 persons and businesses contributed to the CBC to support annual programming. Ongoing funding is a testament to the credibility of the organization and the strength of the partnership individuals have with the beautification committee. Through in-kind contributions, both business owners and residents take great pride, whether in the popular commercial district, or the well-maintained neighborhoods. The CBC appreciates its many partners who keep Frankenmuth streets and sidewalks clean, green and so manicured!

Additionally, the CBC has benefitted over the years by partnerships with funding organizations including the Palmer Foundation and the Frankenmuth Community Foundation (FCF). The Palmer Foundation, for example, has fully funded the across-the-street holiday streamers including the purchase, maintenance and annual operations. The FCF has also given generously to support decorations including contributions to buy flower boxes for the bridge and replacement red bows for the holiday decorations. Both the City of Frankenmuth and the Downtown Development Authority appropriate funds for CBC programming.

Interested in donating? Contact city liaison Dan Hopp or go to the "Donate Today" link to make donations via credit card through our PayPal account.